De ramen van de gebouwen zijn echter on-Hollands klein. Misschien is ook hier inspiratie gevonden in zuidelijkere oorden waar de zon buiten gehouden moet worden. De wens van de meeste Nederlanders om veel zonlicht in de woning toe te laten wordt hier dus genegeerd, maar met een kleine aanpassing van het ontwerp is dat zo op te lossen.
Hij plant ook nog gebouwen op de westelijke Dijksgracht. Een aanslag op het laatste charmante stukje ongeordende kade in het centrum van Amsterdam. Maar als ik het goed begrijp gaat dat binnenkort sowieso gladgestreken worden door de gemeente.
Emerald Harbor Amsterdam
Student: Matthew Rauch
Despite the Marine Etablissement’s historic importance and prominent location within
the city of Amsterdam, the site has remained isolated because of its use as an active
naval base. In addition to this programmatic isolation, a series of boundaries have further
separated it from the rest of the city, including the railroad tracks to the north, the
historic wall to the east, and the NEMO Science Center Museum and IJ-Tunnel to the
southwest. As a result of these large-scale infrastructural and spatial structures, the entire
central harbor district of Amsterdam has the character of a leftover space, lacking a fully
developed public realm.
This master plan for the Marine Etablissement opens new connections in all directions
from the given site, but also includes the entire central harbor district in its scope.
A network of pocket parks and pathways lining the harbor links the historic city with
newer developments to the north and east, and makes the Marine Etablissement an
integral part of the center of Amsterdam. The historic site is used as a conference center,
residential neighborhood and a public park, becoming both a local and international
destination for the city. The conference center would cater to smaller groups, for which
the RAI is unsuitable, that would be operated in conjunction with the other public
amenities (like cruise terminal, conservatorium, library, NEMO, nautical museum) and
hotels that have been built recently in the immediate surroundings of the site.