De gebouwen zelf zijn niet erg spannend en de ontwerpen geenszins uitgewerkt. Niet perse de taak van een landschapsarchitect zullen we maar zeggen.
De zichtlijnen zijn wel erg mooi. De lange rechte lijnen geven, in ieder geval aan de waterkant, een gevoel van ruimte. Verder is er weinig park. Christensen noemt een laan met wat bomen nota bene een 'linear park'. Ja, zo kan ik het ook.

Amsterdam Athletic Peninsula
Student: Todd Christensen
The Amsterdam Athletic Peninsula is a Sports Oriented Development that is meant to
change the way Amsterdammers live and play in their city. Sport and Recreation have
become increasingly more important in our modern day society with record numbers
of people tuning in to watch global events such as the World Cup and the Olympics.
The 2012 London Olympics was the most watched Event in the history of Television
and, in 2022 Qatar will be hosting the World Cup at an estimated cost of 220 billion
dollars. Sport has evolved into something more than recreation, but a way that we
bond culturally and socially, and the aim of the Athletic Peninsula was to tap into this
groundswell and create a new “cultural” center that would redefine the landscape of
Amsterdam. The project was to contain one of the largest indoor recreational facilities
in the country, increasing the amount of “sports” related program within the city limits
10 fold. The project integrates the athletic facility with a fitness oriented residential
component. The site is divided into two axis and four quadrants, with each axis acting as
an anchor for either the residential or athletic program. The vertical axis is anchored by
the linear park that runs the length of the site. The linear park roughly separates the live
area from the athletic area. The Marina and Athletic facility the sports components of the
site and bisect the linear park. The four quadrants are the Waterfront quarter, containing
the hotel, boardwalk, and more high end apartments, the Park Quarter, containing a
the park and market rate housing in a more secluded portion of the site, the Historic
Quarter, located next to the Aquatic Museum and containing remnants of the site’s
original historic structures, and the Athletic Quarter, contain more affordable housing
units and views as well as quick access to the playing fields.