Marineterrein Amsterdam

Een onafhankelijk blog van een Kattenburger over de herontwikkeling van het Marineterrein Amsterdam. Van een gesloten enclave naar een plek voor iedereen. Blog Marineterrein gaat door als

vrijdag 21 april 2017

Amsterdam Light Festival met Ai Weiwei deels op Marineterrein

De website Glass is more! laat weten dat Ai Weiwei een verbindend lichtkunstwerk gaat maken voor het Amsterdam Light Festival.
Het evenement zal komende winter deels op het Marineterrein plaatsvinden en is iets anders opgezet dan voorheen.
Hieronder een deel van het artikel:

A special debut at the approaching Amsterdam Light Festival: the world renowned Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei makes a light object that connects all the artworks with each other. This artwork, titled Red Line, is the linking thread that connects the Water Colors boat route. With the artwork Ai Weiwei wants to confront visitors with metaphorical and literal boundaries. Land borders, language barriers, but also personal boundaries and limitations of possibilities. With a length of 7.5 kilometres, the artwork is the longest object that has ever been presented during the festival.
According to curator Lennart Booij, this is the first time since the beginning of the festival that there is one artwork that functions as the connecting thread of the festival. With his object Ai Weiwei captivatingly depicts the festival theme of the Water Colors boat route for 2017 Existential. Red Line does not let go of the visitors during the boat route; it is an illuminating border as connection. With Existential we want to positively stimulate visitors to think about what unites people and what role light plays in this, Booij explains. Because Ai has created an object that connects all other artworks with each other, Amsterdam Light Festival has assigned him with the special status of art ambassador.

New: Open Light Museum
What is new in 2017 is that the Illuminade walking route is replaced by a new concept called the Open Light Museum. Spread across the Marineterrein Amsterdam, both inside and outside, 15 artworks will be exhibited. Visitors can explore the exposition area, which is located at walking distance from Amsterdam Central Station, at their own initiative without a fixed walking route.

Water Colors: 30 November 2017 - 21 January 2018
Open Light Museum: 14 December 2017 - 7 January 2018
