Waternet, Amsterdecks, de gemeente Amsterdam en het Bureau Marineterrein zijn dus al dan niet in samenwerking met elkaar bezig met hetzelfde streven. Het kan dus met dat zwemmen in de haven van het Marineterrein eigenlijk niet meer misgaan...
De studenten die in opdracht van Bureau Marineterrein de haven onderzochten doen dit in het kader van de Tesla Minor die zij aan de FNWI-faculteit van de UvA volgen.

Van de website van Tesla Minor:
Tesla is a 30 EC minor for research master students from the FNWI (Faculty of natural sciences, mathematics and informatics of the University of Amsterdam). Students work in small groups on complex client projects that combine science with a business or society challenge.
Our goal is to develop an innovative project that has little to no impact on the surrounding environment, that connects its surroundings and is applicable to a larger scale. We focus on the theme ‘water’ and will try to make the bassin of the harbour at Marineterrein an official swimming location. To accomplish this, we investigate the conditions required to swim in natural water and actually measure these requirements when necessary, such as water quality and bottom quality, as well as other legislative conditions. Depending on the outcomes, we come up with methods to improve these qualities to meet the legal standard, and aim to realize these methods into a working pilot at Marineterrein. So, bring your swimwear and come swim with us at Marineterrein this summer!
Our goal is to develop an innovative project that has little to no impact on the surrounding environment, that connects its surroundings and is applicable to a larger scale. We focus on the theme ‘water’ and will try to make the bassin of the harbour at Marineterrein an official swimming location. To accomplish this, we investigate the conditions required to swim in natural water and actually measure these requirements when necessary, such as water quality and bottom quality, as well as other legislative conditions. Depending on the outcomes, we come up with methods to improve these qualities to meet the legal standard, and aim to realize these methods into a working pilot at Marineterrein. So, bring your swimwear and come swim with us at Marineterrein this summer!